
Grad School and BF

Hi, I am a full time graduate student. My edd is June 16 th. I am only able to get one week off from school during the summer semester once my lo is born. I talked to  both professors and was told I can only miss one class otherwise my grade will be affected. I will have class twice a week (5 each day). 'm hoping they will give some options when it comes to the break as that seems that is my only option right now. My plan is to ebf. I'm hoping there will be atleast a 40-60min break and that the classes will end early. I'm looking for any tips on how I can continue to ebf my lo until atleast after the first three months at which point I will have to go between bf and pumping because of fall semester and internship. I really don't want to give my lo a bottle even a bottle full of breast milk after only week. my dh is more then willing to bring the baby during the break so I can bf our lo. But I'm concerned that he/she may get hungry before my break and/or before class ends. Any tips?
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