3rd Trimester

Scared of Delivering Early

This is my second pregnancy and I have been cramping since week 5 (drs. can't tell me why - they are guessing it is because my LO is so active but all has always been fine with LO and never any bleeding).  Now I am getting BH too, and it comes at the same time as the cramping and I literally can't move.  I never really had BH with my first and nothing compared to this pain.  I know it isn't real labor because they usually don't come and go and if they do, they don't last more than 10 minutes or so.  But I get back pain and everything with them!  And they usually come when I am sitting so I am not even that active, and I drink over the 64 fl. oz of water a day (I basically drink nothing but water), and I can't lie down during them because I am at work or out to dinner, etc.  It isn't dealing with the pain that is my problem, but the fear that LO doesn't want to wait another 7-10 weeks before coming. 

I talked to my OB about it last visit and she said that it was normal and she would be surprised if I wasn't experiencing this.  They don't do cervix checks until 37 weeks because they don't really tell much and pts. tend to bleed afterwards and get upset.  So while I know I am prolly closed up tight and everything, I just keep having this fear that this baby is going to come early.  I see the midwife in 2 weeks and going to talk to her about it all.  My DD#1 came at 37 weeks and I really don't want this one coming any sooner!

I know lots of you ladies are most likely experiencing similar things.  I would just love some calming words and maybe some ladies who had this with previous ones and delivered on time.  I know I am not being rational about this, but I guess that comes with being pregnant!

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