Babies on the Brain

So even though have no idea when I o'd---a BFP!

I guess your chart doesn't have to be normal to get you pregnant and fertility friend is not always right!  Been feeling super tired and a bit nauseated and just off the last few days so took a PG test this morning mostly just for elimintation purposes since I didn't think I o'd this month....and to my suprise a very clear BFP!  I went into crazy lady mode and took another and a digital to confirm. 

Totally in shock and excited and also a little nervous because yesterday evening and today so far I've been having quite a bit of cramping but no bleeding so hoping all is well.  I was high risk with Ryleigh so I'll be headed to doc's office for a blood test tomorrow afternoon.

Still no idea when I o'd but clearly not what FF detected---I'm thinking it was CD 22 perhaps?

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