3rd Trimester

Gender vent

Normally I'm pretty laid back and not much gets under my skin, but yesterday was about all I could take!

We had a family day in a nearby city and were walking around downtown for a while. "We" being me, DH, and both DDs.  I had no less than 6 people, total strangers, stop me and say variations on the following:

"Please tell me you're having a boy this time!" or "What are you having? A boy? Oh, thank God!"

 I could almost understand this if DDs were acting up, but both were being very well behaved and we were having a great time. Now, I'm happy to be having a boy but I would have been happy to have another girl too. My goal in life is not just to repopulate this earth with boys, I don't know why everyone assumes all families think they need to have boys AND girls!

Not sure why this annoyed me so much. Anyone else have things like this happen to them?

Married. A 3 year old and a 2 year old. Both girls. Pregnant with another. Someday I'll put a ticker up...
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