1st Trimester

Just found out I am pregnant!

So I am new here and don't remember all of those cute little abbreviations. Here is my story though. For the past year I have had irregular periods for the (first time in my life). I would skip for sometimes 2 months! I don't have any health insurance so I just kinda hoped for the best. Well in Nov 2011 my boyfriend of 4 years finally proposed! Since we dated so long I was ready to be married so I set our wedding date for April 14th 2012! It was a beautiful wedding. For the first time in a year I got my period the first week of March and then again the first week of April. Since my periods have been so irregular though and it was our honeymoon I thought we could probably skip on the birth control and chances are I would not get pregnant! Well for the past few weeks my breast have been killing me, and then for the last week and a half I have been having period like cramps but not getting my period (which I thought was odd).At the time I was still thinking it has something to do with having irregular periods so I start trying to find answers online. The first thing that pops up is pregnancy! I was like no way! So I took a test and turns out I am! I am very excited but very nervous. I still don't know why my periods have been so irregular so I am nervous about a miscarriage. Also before I knew I was pregnant after intercorse I was seeing just a tiny bit of pink on the toilet paper immediately after on 3 occasions. Also I don't have health insurance but my husband is going to put me on his through his work but it is going to cost us a lot of money. Through all of this though I just can't help but be so excited about the possibility of having this baby. Even if it means we will be holding our baby before we even have our first wedding anniversary. Thanks for reading! I am super excited to getting to know you ladies and will be praying for all of you and your growing families!
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