

I've read about vaso spasms on Wed MD, but I would like to hear personal stories. I am not sure what's going on..after I BF, I get these shooting pains in my breasts, not nipples though. It's not excruciatingly painful, but it is uncomfortable. 

I have also noticed the past few weeks my breasts are full all the time! An hour after feeding, I am already feeling the need to feed again. I think this may be due my pumping schedule. I feed at 4:30 & 6:30 before work, then have to pump at work at 8:45, 11, 2..maybe too close together? These are the only times i can pump though. Maybe my breasts are just always ready to feed now  because of this rigid schedule, and those pains I'm feeling is the let down? It just seems to happen way too much!

This probably made no sense, but if you have had issues with shooting pain in your breast, please comment. :)  

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