1st Trimester

Spotting turned dark red after PAP ~ FREAKING OUT!!!

So, I am 40+ and hi risk due to T1 diabetes/HBP and am 6 weeks & 5 days along.  Was totally not planning to get pregnant but we are  thrilled and blessed. 

I've ad mostly brown stringy and a little pinkish gooey spotting (only when I wipe)  for a about a week now.  At my midwife appt on Thurs, she did an internal and PAP.  She said not to worry since the cervix was just as it should be and that the spotting was just old blood.  Yesterday, I had some cramping and saw  clottish red blood in the toilet (about the size of a nickel) and some red blood when I wiped. Called OB and the nurse said not to worry since some bleeding is perfectly normal after a PAP.  Today, I feel good - a bit of cramping but still having some spotting - only when I wipe - sometimes brown, sometimes none and sometimes pinkish red (but no clotty stuff).

I am so freaked that this is all the beginning of the end.  I had a m/c a few months before getting pregnant with my daughter (in 2005). But that was NOTHING like this. It came on like a freight train - awful cramps and large amount of bleeding and clots.  All over and done in less than 24 hours,

I am scheduled for an U/S and bloodwork on Tues.   But in the meantime, hoping for anyone with similar expereinces (that hopefully ended well for you).  Thanks so much!


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