January 2010 Moms

My MIL can be a real b!tch sometimes! (mother's day related)

We got her a hanging basket (generic I know) like we have for the last three years. We decided to get it done sooner rather than later so we went to see my parents last night and his tonight. We pulled in and gave her the basket and she says "Oh I already went and bought these because I didn't figure I would get anything for mother's day)." Umm what? Granted DH hasn't been the best at getting things for mother's/father's day but the last 3 years (since we got engaged) I've made sure they have gotten something! The only reason she didn't get anything before that was because I had bought her something the first year DH and I were together but we couldn't track them down and so I figured it wasn't worth it. But then a few years later she made a comment so I started getting her something and making sure they will be home in advance. I'm sorry but if it is a big deal to you then maybe you would leave your butt planted until your only child comes to see you or at least answer the phone when he calls! Sorry that got a little long, her comment just really irked me!
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