1st Trimester

NOT the way I wanted to tell my husband "I'm pregnant"

So, this is my introduction.  I was mostly a lurker for my 1st pregnancy (daughter born 3/4/11) but I think I will be more involved this time around.  My first baby was technically a "honeymoon baby."  My husband and I eloped at the courthouse in 2008 prior to me going to Afghanistan, but had a June 2010 wedding and found out I was pregnant two weeks later.  We went through some huge struggles the first year of our baby girl's life, but marriage counseling and decisions on both of our parts to be better to each other brought us closer than ever.  Very close.  Which is how I ended up here on the first tri board! ;)

 So, last Saturday night, after a very fun Cinco de Mayo party (where I had margaritas AND was in a hot tub!) the DH and I were sitting on the couch when he remarked that my boobs looked very big.  I had just been feeling "off" the past few days, and when he said that I had a little bit of an "uh oh" feeling.  So I took a test...and it was a BFN.  I have only had AF twice since baby girl was born, and we decided we are open to another baby, so we were going to let it happen when it happened.  I was slightly relieved at the BFN, only since I had broken at least 2 of those pregnancy rules on Saturday AND because I just paid for 8 weeks of Weight Watchers but when I woke up on Sunday I still felt just...not right.  DH went to work (he's a cop) and I decided to take another test with FMU. Of course, crazy baby was in the bathroom with me and trying to flush the toilet while I was sitting there (which apparently is the new hotness in the toddler bracket) and I left the stupid thing on the counter when I was done and forgot about it for a bit.  A few minutes later the baby was back in the bathroom, so I went in to get her out and saw "pregnant" staring me in the face.  OMG.  

My mind went into overdrive trying to think of how to tell him.  Last time I got the BFT, he was at work, so I greeted him with a gift...containing an I <3 daddy bib and FIVE positive tests.  Just in case he thought the one was a dud.  When crazy baby decided to grab the positive test off the counter and start running away from me with it saying "baseball" (I have no idea why she uses this as her catch-all word...but it usually indicates "this is mine, and if you take it from me I will have a very elaborate and dramatic meltdown.")  So I got this great idea that I would go to Babies R Us, get her an "I'm a big sister" shirt...and have her greet him wearing it with her new favorite toy, the positive digital pregnancy test.  This would have been SUPER cute...if that is how the night worked out.  

Crazy baby was all bathed, changed, and adorable in her new shirt.  She was even running around patting her big tummy and laughing.  My husband had asked me to put the laundry away before he got home, and of course, since I had to take a detour to Babies R Us, I was completely behind in my chore-doing. So I plunked Ellie down by her toys on one side of the living room, and walked the 15 feet or so to the other side to pick up a basket of folded clothes.  In the mere seconds I did that, crazy baby decided to crawl up the stairs faster than the speed of light, and just as I turn around with the basket I see her up there on the stairs turned around facing the downstairs...and she teetered and began to fall, head over foot over head over foot.  :(  I don't know how I dropped the basket and ran to catch her before she made it all the way down as fast as I did, but by the time I got to her she was crying and a little trickle of blood was coming out of her nose.  It was seriously the WORST feeling ever...I hope none of you EVER have to feel that way.  You will, though, because kids fall, they break bones, they get cut and need stitches...so you first-time mamas please don't get all judgey judgerson on me.  I turned away long enough to walk (at a brisk pace) for 15 feet.  She was actively playing with her toys...and in that small window of time, she got up the stairs.  It can happen to you--buy many baby gates.  I am a hyper-alert and aware mom...and if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.

But anyway...based on the way she fell and that little bit of blood, I called 911.  I had her on the floor on her back, and gave her a pacifier while I was holding her close, and stayed on the phone with the dispatcher until the TWO ambulances they dispatched came to me.  They were amazing--seriously--getting me calm, talking to my husband and telling him which hospital to go to when he called me randomly during this ordeal to ask what was for dinner, and swaddling up my crying baby girl to get her checked out at the hospital.  They were about to cut her clothes off to put her on the stiff board, and I was just sobbing saying "he doesn't even know.  He doesn't even know yet" and the one medic asked me what I was talking about.  I said "I'm pregnant, I just found out.  We were going to tell him tonight" and I touched her shirt.  This man, who seriously had the kindest eyes I have ever seen, squeezed my shoulder and very carefully and gingerly lifted that shirt off of her without even moving her head or neck (how, I have no idea) and handed it to me.  The medics got us out and into the ambulance...meanwhile my ENTIRE neighborhood was standing outside watching this...and we were off to the hospital.  

Once there, we were seen right away and my crazy baby was back to her normal self.  They were keeping us there for a few hours, but by the time DH finally arrived, she was out of the neck brace and was blowing kisses to the nurses in the hall and chugging the bottles of pedialyte the hospital was giving her.  My husband walked in and, of course, asked what happened.  In telling the story again, I started to cry...the ugly cry--where you are snotting all over the place, and you are trying to talk but you don't make any sense because you can only get one word out per sob...you know the one?  So, I reached over to grab a tissue, and grabbed....the big sister shirt.  *cue uncomfortably long silence*

My husband has like, an eagle eye for every new outfit I buy for our baby girl.  He immediately knew that she did not have any other grey shirts in her wardrobe, so said "when did you get her more clothes?" And, of course, I'm still half-crying. truing to figure out how I am going to answer this question, when it kinda unfolds...and there it is in all of its glittery and sparkly-lettered glory.  And, my husband was like "what is that?  Why did you get that?"  So, I had to look at him and say...uh, so...we sort-of had a surprise for you today that was NOT supposed to involve the emergency room...um... congratulations?  Dad?  Of two? Not just one?"    His face was priceless...a total WTF look if I have ever seen one.  After the shock wore off and we knew our crazy stair-climber was going to be o.k., we couldn't stop laughing.  Our baby stopped chugging her pedialyte long enough to laugh like a maniac and point at me and say "baseball" and then start nodding her head.  

And....that is my intro.  As of today my EDD is 9 January 2013, but that could change at my sono on the 29th, since I have no idea when my last AF actually started.  I hope you ladies will have me on this board! 

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