
ugh, WWYD-- evening out and EBF won't take a bottle

So in two weeks my parents are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary and my brother has put together a dinner party at a restaurant. It's kind of a big deal and I really don't want to miss it. It's from 4pm-8pm or so, about 35 mins away from our house. My good friend has offered to watch my boys, but my LO doesn't take a bottle, period. He normally goes to bed by 6:30 every night, I nurse him for about 20-30 mins before I lay him down. It works well, and he's very much used to me and our routine. We've tried bottles of all kinds, all ways, and it just doesn't work. So what do I do? Leave the baby with my friend, knowing she'll also have my 2 year old to deal with, and hope he somehow takes a bottle for her? I just know he likely won't, and he'll likely cry for hours on end. I don't want to miss the party, but it's also a reality that I have a 5 month old with needs. 

(And FWIW, I don't care about his bedtime at all, I just know he's going to need to eat in the 4-5 hour period I'm gone, whether or not he stays up). 


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