
New...looking for support

Hi ladies! I have an almost 8 week old DD and we are going through a hard time right now. She has been very, very fussy since week 3 and nothing has really helped us. She did get diagnosed with reflux and is on .8ml Zantac 2x daily. Which doesn't do much. 

Anyway she is EXTREMELY gassy, especially at night. Sleeps only 30min to an hour at the most with just one stretch of 3 hours around 9pm. She cries a lot, in her sleep as well.

 I am getting frustrated with breast feeding as she seems like she is always hungry. She is gaining weight well, though. Today I've cut out dairy and am going to try that for a month to see if it helps, as you can imagine my husband and I are pretty desperate at this point. 

 Any suggestions, advice(commiserators?) are very welcome. Sorry if this is all over the place, working on 2 hours of sleep a day will do that.  

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