3rd Trimester

Constant cramps, lower back pain- is this labor?

I'm sure someone is going to say dumb question. With my son my water broke...and then nothing so I was induced and ended up with a C after 40 hours.

I work nights and noticed my feet and ankles were swelling last night. I am 38 weeks on Wed, measuring 1 week ahead and she is about 9lbs. At 10am I woke up with lower abdominal cramping pretty much like menstrual, and lower back pain. It has stayed throughout the day. Nothing on and off like I would imagine contractions would be like. I just called in sick to work. They told me if I went into labor at work they would call an ambulance and not let me drive 8 miles home. We are a 1 vehicle family so if that happened it would be really hard for DH to get to the hospital or bring DS to grandma's etc. I just don't want to go into labor at work...

 Also I tried the drink water and lay down, no difference.

 Any thoughts are appreciated!

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