
4 mo. old not gaining

I have a 4 month old baby that has not gained much since birth. He weighed 9 lbs 12 oz at birth lost quite a bit within the next few days. It took him over 3 weeks to reach his birth weight again and that was with breastfeeding and supplementing. 

Since then he has gained very little. He is now 13 lbs 9 oz. I breastfeed at 6-7 times in 24 hours and we give him a 6oz bottle of formula at bedtime. I am waking him up once a night for a feeding (if I didn't wake him up, he would sleep 12 hours).

I just came back from a breastfeeding clinic appointment and we have learned that he has only gained 6 oz since his last visit - a month ago. 

 He doesn't show us that he is hungry and I am feeding every 2 hours during the day. He is only getting 2.5 oz from me in each feeding. I am feeling very discouraged and heartbroken over this and am considering weaning to formula sooner than I had planned. 

Has anyone else has this issue and overcame it? 

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