
Need help & suggestions on EP.

I know this is the BF forum but there is no pumping forum so I thought I may come to you ladies.

Here is our story;

I will start with a little about myself & daughter and what we have struggled with for the past 18 days.
My daughter was born on April 24th and from the get go we have had latch issues. Basically for the whole first day I couldn't get her to latch and when she did it was very poor and weak. It "sorta" got better for the next few days in the hospital. They are very supportive and I was seeing a LC a couple times a day to help with the lazy suck/latch.

I have tried everything to get her latch stronger. We have done positions, finger sucking, finger sucking with tube, tube feeding on the breast, nipple shields. All after about 3-5 minutes of working with her exauste her and she is no longer willing to feed.

Well I was home for a day and her jaundice was getting really bad so we went back into the hospital for a billy level check. That morning I had started to pump and bottle feed for her as she just wasn't latching well/effectively. We went into the hospital for 3 days for billy tests then admitted for light therapy for 3 days. All the while I have been pumping & bottle feeding. I have before, during and after trying to get her to latch to the breast. Sometimes I get maybe a minute but usually no luck. Sometimes she will latch with a shield but she gets tired and PO'd. I find she doesn't get nearly as much from me as she does from the bottle, if I can get her to latch.
So at this point I think I will be pumping & bottle feeding as I just don't see BF working. It kills me and I'm having a very hard time dealing with it but I need to do what is the very best for her.

Now here comes my questions;

How do I keep my supply up? I'm so worried I'm going to dry up just EP. I have been taking the Feungreek pills (2) with every meal and a mothers milk tea as well. I try to have a cup after every meal.

I have been pumping around every 2 to 3 hours. Sometimes it can get a little longer (I try not, but it's so hard with a 2 1/2 year old and a NB)

I pump until there is no more milk coming out. My pump is a Medela Swing, which I really like and seems to work well for me. I have a Medela mini electric for the car and that sucker is brutal on the girls.
On average pumping both sides takes about a hour and I'm getting about 4oz - 5oz between the two sides.

I know a duel breast pump would be best but right now the finances just isn't going to allow that. I could possibly bring in the mini from the car and use it.

So is there anything I'm missing, not doing?
How does everyone manage a toddler and pumping? I seem to be attached to the wall all the time and or feeding his sister.

Any suggestions are greatly welcomed!

Thank you so much!!

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