3rd Trimester

Really DH?

Last night was the first night that I have slept more than 4-5 hours...my insomnia has been terrible this week. I look like a zombie-black circles/bags under my eyes, swollen face=just awful. So of course DS has to wake up at 3:45AM for the day! Don't worry though, DH slept through the whole thing and is now on his 10th hour of sleep....

Last night I got my hair cut-which means a very rare excursion for me without DS (I SAH). I came home to a house that was a disaster: dishes, pans in the sink, a dishwasher that needed to run and DS's toys everywhere.

Like really? Thanks for the help, dude. I have a scheduled RCS in 10 days, and I am EXHAUSTED. A little help (without asking/nagging) would be nice!


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