
Two day old won't wake up

My ticker is wrong my lo was born wend. He is doing very well bfing when he wants to, but it's not often enough tonight he's only nursed once gor ten minutes since10:30. And he will not wake up enough to eat any more. He is obviously not back up to his birth weight and I need him to help my supply.

Plus he is waking up spitting about two hours after he eats and won't eat then.  Since he is spitting and then falls back to sleep, sound sleep. I've tried undressing, tickling, and trying to get him to latch half asleep.

Any advise? This is my second I've bf but my last wanted to est all the time so this is new. Also sorry if this makes no sense and for the typos it's 3:21am and I'm on my phone bumping while burping. 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Untitled
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