1st Trimester

We have decided to tell...some family

So DH & I had decided when we started TTC that if we got our BFP before Mother's Day we were going to surprise MIL. We have debated since getting our positive on April 22nd if we were going to wait until Father's day (I would almost be 12 weeks) or to go ahead and tell her. We talked about it today and have decided to go ahead and tell MIL, her BF, SIL & her SO on Mother's Day. Just thought I would share with you guys how we plan on telling them. I bought the tote and just wrote "going to grandmas" on it. DH & his sister both had bags like that when they were young, so we figured we would use that idea. We also bought a onesie. We are wrapping both up and waiting to see MILs reaction when she opens them & realizes what it means. If anyone wants to share how they told, I am interested in hearing the stories! I am very excited yet a little nervous about telling since no one knows except for DH, I and the doctor and since I will only be (almost) 7 weeks along when we share the news.

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