
Extended periods of time away from EBFing babies


I have a question for those who have spent extended periods of time away from their EBF babies.....i'm talking 48 hours and longer.

I am supposed to go to a bachelorette party in Las Vegas in baby will be 4 months old. Right now we are EBFing, with the occasional bottle from DH at night. Right now he prefers the breast....we kind of have to struggle to get him to take a bottle unless he is really hungry, which is why he doesn't get one very often. Anyway, I am supposed to be in vegas from Friday morning to Sunday, probably mid day. I am not too concerned about keeping my supply. I know how often I have to pump to make sure it doesn't issue is whether my LO will want me after having 3 days and 2 nights of bottles. I have heard of people leaving thier LO's for more than 24 hours and coming back to their baby having developed a preference for the bottle and refusing to nurse. It's really making me wish I didn't have to go, but I'm the MOH and it's my cousin...I feel obligated. Am I stressing myself out over nothing? Are their things I can do to try to make sure he doesn't develop a preference for the bottle? Any experiences and/or advice would be appreciated.

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