
Is a *slight* oversupply a bad thing?

Does that make sense?  I suspect I am dealing with a little bit of an oversupply.  She nurses if I'm home (which I am most of the time), but lately I've been engorged within 1-2 hours of her feeding and having a decent amount of leakage.  I have not been pumping and doing a bit of block feeding the last few days.  It's getting better... but now I'm wondering if I want to maintain some of the extra, kwim? 

If I pump before I go to bed (about 2 hours after her last feed), I sleep more comfortably and still have plenty for her in the AM.  But if I do this, will I wind up regretting this decision?  Oh, and she's been sleeping 7-8 hours/night since she was 3 weeks old or so, so I'm pretty confident she's not going to wake up.  (knock on wood!)

Anyone deal with this? 

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