Babies on the Brain

Catholics... lay some knowledge on me.

Long time no see BOTB. School is finally quieting down enough that I've had time to start pondering baby-related things again. 

Anyway, DH and I were talking the other day about how we're going to handle bringing up future children regarding religion. Our families are both Catholic. DH went up through confirmation and then stopped going to church, though his parents still go pretty regularly. My parents stopped going to church as teens, and never baptized me or my siblings. I have no plans on ever getting baptized or going to church regularly, and I'm ambivalent about putting our kids through CCD, etc. DH said it would be "nice"to have our kids baptized and have them go to church up through confirmation, but isn't super hung-ho about it. Part of his reasoning is that it would be good for them, part of it is that it would make his parents happy. I figure if I don't care, and he actually has an opinion (which is rare) then we'll go for it.

So, long story short I guess we're contemplating bringing up our kids as Catholic, and I just was wondering what that entails. We were talking about baptism and I wasn't sure what the deal was with godparents. Are they necessary? Do they have to be Catholic? We don't really know anyone else that's Catholic. I guess I'm just looking for thoughts, opinions, experiences, etc. 

Thanks ladies! 

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