1st Trimester

So freaking paranoid all the time!

Am I the only ones that is constantly paranoid? I don't even know how far along I am yet. I am assuming 4-5 weeks since last week when I went to confirm my BFP there was nothing to be seen on the u/s. I go on the 21st for another one. This is my second pregnancy and I don't remember being this scared with my DD9. I found out I was PG with her when I was 9 weeks so I was able to see that everything was progressing fine with her. But with this one I have no idea and it is killing me. This morning I started having mild yet uncomfortable cramping. No bleeding. I read that this is normal but it is still causing me concern. Any tips on how to find my zen and just chill. I know it is all out of my hands what will be will be but my anxiety level is out of control.
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