3rd Trimester

Too early to drop?

I am almost 33 weeks and had been carrying pretty high.  At my OB appt on Monday, my OB said, "This baby is smooching your spleen."  She was balled up just under my sternum on the left side, which explains the heartburn, breathlessness and general tightness/discomfort I had been feeling in my ribcage.  Well, yesterday evening, LO did all kinds of gymnastics and now my bump is noticeably lower  and also protruding on the right (several people at work mentioned it today w/o prompting from me).

I know that 33 weeks is kinda early for the baby to drop, but is it totally out of the question?  I have a few factors that make me high-risk, and at 30 weeks, my OB told to start paying attention to anything that could be contractions.

"Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry."
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