3rd Trimester


After having regular contractions sine 3:30 pm yesterday, they were finally 3-5 min. apart, lasting about a minute, and consistent for more than an hour at about 4 am today. My contractions were very sharp, like waves of stabbing pain. My doctor told me to head to the hospital and as soon as we got there--they stopped. Fetal monitoring showed only 2 mild contractions in the almost hour I was there. Then, after all those contractions, they did the worst vaginal exam I've ever experienced and told me I was still only dilated to 1 cm. The nurses sat me down and spelled out all the signs of true labor as opposed to false labor, which made me feel like an idiot. Now I'm stuck at home with nothing to do. Whenever I move around I get very painful contractions, but laying down makes them go away. I'm 3 days overdue now, but don't have another doctor appointment until Monday afternoon. All I do is cry all day, I'm so miserable and at a loss for what to do. I also know that almost nothing is going to make me call the hospital again for fear of being discharged again. Sorry, just needed to vent, I'm so frustrated. 

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