3rd Trimester

My hormones have me jumping extremes!

Ok - I know with pregnancy you have irrationale fears and all - but silly me expected them to be about the pregnancy and the baby I am carrying - not DD #1.  Now I am worried about delivering too early, but what is really keeping me up at night is school for DD#1.  She is not quite 2 yet and super smart and we just don't live in that great of a school district for AG.  It has really been worrying me (even though I know she is in a great preschool and I have a few years).  I mean - I have been obsessing but can't get myself to stop!

So today to be proactive and try to put fears to rest, I spoke with a private school in our area that I have heard great things about.  So now I have just jump extremes.  As worried as I was, I am now that excited.  This is crazy.  We are still most likely looking 2-3 years down the road (they have a preschool program but still...)  I miss being able to walk the middle ground!!!

Anyone else 2+ moms out there focus more on their previous children than the one they are carrying?  Shouldn't my irrational pregnancy hormonal thoughts be on the one I am carrying???


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