1st Trimester

Miscarriage/Traumatic Week

Well, I'm out!  I was not to optimistic from the beginning which has helped me emotionally.  I hadn't tired nor prevented to get pregnant since my son was born 5 years ago and tested positive April 27th.  My progesterone was low (5) and my HCG only went from 117 to 314 with my first beta tests.  

I had to go out of state this Monday to see my grandma who had a stroke.  I left my baby boy behind and missed his 5th birthday Wednesday.  That same day I found out my grandmother was going to pass away.  I got back to my moms that night and started spotting.  The next day I went to ER and HCG was 764 at 5wks 5days. which of course wasn't good.  As soon as I got done in the ER I went to my grandmas room and she passed away an hour later.  An hour after my sons birthday passed.

On the way home to my moms at 3am my mom started throwing up and convulsing so we had to stop at another hospital.  Her liver enzymes are way high and she can't keep anything down so now I'm at that hospital with her.  I called my boss to let him know when I would be back to work and found out the company can't make it anymore and is closing down!  Then I wake up this morning to horrible cramping and heavy bleeding so I guess it's ending today.  Still waiting on the specialist to come see my mom and hopefully they let her out to go to the funeral tomorrow.  

So I've had one hell of a traumatic week!  Just needed to vent for a moment!  I haven't shed a tear in two days.  I'm starting to think I'm in shock with all of this and will probably have a breakdown soon!  

Good luck to all of you ladies.  Hopefully I get another chance for baby # 2 soon.   

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