3rd Trimester

Sporadic contractions- L&D sent us home :(

I woke up yesterday morning at 3 am with mild contractions.  All day they were anywhere from 10 to 30 min. apart.  Finally, around 9 pm, we went to the hospital because they were about 7 min. apart.  While I was there, they were anywhere from 2 min to 7 min. apart.  They hooked me up to an iv for fluids.  The contractions never got consistent, so they sent us home around 3 am.  I'm still feeling contractions today but they are farther apart.  Has anyone had this happen?  I really can't imagine trying to go to work next week having contractions all day! 
Addison Lily--Sept. 14, 2006 Evelynn Rose-- May 18, 2012
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