
Cringeworthy BURNING pain!! NOT NIPPLES

Ladies, I'm having some intermittent burning pain in my left breast -- toward my side, closer to the underside of my breast.  The pain started Wed night.  I am wondering if it's due to BF'ing.  

Recently, I've been running a lot, and I've been wearing 2 sports bras all day.  Definitely tighter than I should be, but I cannot stand bouncing breasts while running.

DS2 has JUST started STTN within the last 7 days.  Somedays he'll make it with only one feeding, for the most part he's STTN.   

It BURNS so badly.  I've had a clogged duct with DS1, and I don't feel anything in my breast resembling a clogged duct.  It hurts more frequently when my breast is full.

Anybody had anything similar?  I am calling the doc today to make an appointment, but wondering if anyone's had anything similar?  

TIA!  :) 

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