
?s about drinking and bfding

Hey Ladies,

Yes I do enjoy some wine now and then, but I keep getting conflicting information and would like some input. I was told by a LC to wait 6 hours after my last drink to BF next and pump and dump until then. She said when he is older you can wait 3 hours from the last drink to BF. When I looked online I saw that pumping and dumping was ineffective since the alcohol spike in the milk 90 minutes after the last drink then will pretty much decrease to nothing. I ever bought the alcohol breast test strips from target to test my milk and my pediatrician said that was going overboard.  Obviously I want what is best for my son and seeing online people shouldn't have more then 1 drink a week or it can cause SIDS etc worries me.

 Any input would be appreciated!!! 

imageimage Mean Muggin :) Married: 5/09 ~ TTC Since: 10/10 ~ PCOS ~ Progesterone from 10/10 - 2/11 ~ HSG on 3/18 - Clear ~ Started Metformin 1000mg & Clomid 50mg 2/11 ~ Metformin upped to 1500mg 4/6 ~ 6/7 Now going to SG and put on Clomid, Ovidrel, Gonal F, Prometrium, Estrace ~ IUI #1 7/2 = BFP!!!!!! March 6th my precious little man came into our lives... imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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