Single Parents

There is light at the end....

I haven't posted here in a while but I was here in August 2011, when my husband of 5 years told me that he wanted a divorce. I had just returned to the workforce in July after being a stay at home mom for 3.5 years to my 3.5 year old. I cried myself to sleep for many months. I was born and raised overseas, and have no family or support system in the U.S. Fast forward to January 11th 2012 and my divorce was finalized. I make half what I used to make before I stopped working but still managed to assume the mortgage and purchase my own vehicle. While my ex and I will never be friends, we are courteous towards each other. I'm fortunate to receive child support (I know some mommies here have to fight their ex's tooth and nail), and although I don't have a lot of money to spare, I am happy and my little boy is thriving.  To all the moms who are in the early stages of divorce, stay strong. All the pain and anguish will only make you stronger.
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