3rd Trimester

To Turn, or Not To Turn.. that is the question

I am currently 36w5d and for the last 3 weeks - month, baby has been head down. When Dr. checked at our appointment today, he had flipped himself around and is now breech (did u/s to confirm) - SO my options:

1. Try to turn baby - Dr. says this only works 50% of time and if something goes wrong they'd have to do an emergency c/s. If he does flip, they'll induce soon after to reduce chance of him turning again, but I will be able to deliver vaginally. If he doesn't turn, they'll schedule a c/s at 39 weeks.

2. Just schedule the c/s for 39 weeks... maybe he'll turn on his own??

 I am not sure what to do. If I decide to try to turn him, they have to do it tomorrow or monday because I'll be 37w on Saturday and he's getting too big. I have wanted nothing more than to avoid a c/s. This is my first and I really wanted to have him vaginally. I don't know what to do. I looked it up on youtube and they push really hard on the belly, I don't want to hurt him... but I really don't want a c/s.

Thoughts? Anyone have this done?


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