
Comfy Chair?

I had a upholstered glider I got with my DS but it didn't work out for breastfeeding.  I wasn't able to hold him comfortably, the seat seemed narrow and the arms were too high to hold him.  I ended up doing on the couch.  I would like to find something that works for baby #2 that is comfortable and not crazy expensive.  I'm tall so I don't really want super tall arms because they got in the way last time.  Any ideas??
BFP#1 6/16/09-Cycle #11 Missed m/c at 10 weeks, D&C BFP #2 10/22 @6 weeks discovered bicornuate uterus and twins Lost Baby B @ 12 weeks. Our baby boy arrived 6/6/10! AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers BFP #3:3/2/12 Crossing fingers for a healthy baby! Saw heartbeat on 3/23 128 bpm It's a BOY! Dealing with IUGR. Preeclampsia/HELLP Syndrome born 10/2 at almost 34 weeks. Please grow little E! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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