3rd Trimester

Frustrated with mom (vent)

She is mad at me tonight because 2 days ago I told her no, she could not buy something for DD's room and put it up when we were at hospital. What if we dont like it?  We want to decorate our own kids room or at least have input!  There is only a little in there and I am looking to see what else we want on walls.

MOm offended b/c she wants to buy and I dont want it.

I told her she told ME that she didnt care if I liked or not. She said it should not matter and she should do what she wants to. I dont agree.

Tonight she said she was mad at me and we "discussed" for 15 mins and she doesnt get my point at all, just thinks I am being rude to not let her put something up that she likes.

Weigh in: am I being an unreasonable pregnant lady?

PS she also doesnt like our name, we just decided.  I told her WE get to pick t not her but she told me again there are "much prettier" Bible names to think of and she is "wondering people's reactions." Its not like we picked something weird. We picked Jonah William. 

My little girl is growing up! (born 12/09) Little brother is here! (born 5/2012) Thank you Lord for my precious family!
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