3rd Trimester

emma is here...

hi ladies...my little one was born on 4/24/2012...she was due on may 13th but i knew i would go early....my labor was wonderfull untill the epidural didnt work and was redone 15 mins before she was ready to come out...she weighed 6lbs 7oz and just under 20 inches long....on april 23rd we had went into town i ended up getting dizzy everytime i stopped walking we went home i got a couple hours of sleep i woke up and had noticed some slight needle pokeing type pain, i was only able to count 3 in a row due to my older girls were just getting home. i called my mom about an hour after that sent my kids to her house came back home and woke up DH.( i had gotten ready before wakeing him up he would have made me more nervious if i had woken him up)  he had a heck of a time trying to find something to wear. we made our way to the hospital at 730pm where i was 2 1/2 dialated cm and40% thinned out, by 930 they asked me to walk 15 mins and in that time i dialated  anther 2 1/2cm   so by 945 i was 4 1/2cm and was in slight pain, i received some pains meds and had gotten some sleep till 430ish the next morning. i didnt like the fact i was out of it  so i opted for half the dose of the next pain med i was to recive  and had gotten anther couple hours of sleep.  the docter had come in at 745 checked me and had my water broken, by 1030 i was 6 1/2cm and asking for an epidural, 2hrs went by and the epidural had numbed everything but my uterus the thing its suppose to numb. the epidural was redone and had no time to work..by this time i was in tears and hardly catching my breath it was that bad... 4 pushes and at 1217pm she was born  half an hour after she was born i was eating an hour after she was bprn i was ready to get a shower but had to wait till i got my legs back after  that we had a room change and enjoyed the staff that was very helpfull.  we came home after our 48 hour stay  i had no tears or complications takeing it easy when getting home is something to get used to  bc your torn between resting  takeing care of the new LO and takeing care of the house now 2 weeks later we are some what adjusted the house is looking like its sleff..im glad to have a healthy LO and be home and able to do the normal things with out haveing trouble doing them 
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