3rd Trimester

update to battle with food aversions/ baby apt....

So I posted two days ago or yesterday that I was annoyed with midwives harping about my weight, and that they were going to fly off the handle at apt today bc I had two bday parties and my baby shower and am still having a really hard time keep down veggies....well, my scales at home that had me freaked out and said i gained 3 lbs in two weeks lied and OB scales said I lost 3 lbs since 2 weeks ago! Hows that for irony?  Im sure I'll stop worrying about it and next apt gain like 100000 lbs..lol.  On a side note baby is doing awesome! 31 weeks along (measuring at 32).  HB 144...BP 120/80, everything is great so far.  I was told to take an iron supplement bc my level was 10.4 and had to be 10.5 to not be considered anemic.  But that is a little thing I can deal with. So glad this baby is healthy and I am starting at home hypnobirthing lessons with hubby this week! Im a FTM and havent been the chipper "Oh I just love being pregnant" pregnant lady (that's a major understatement), but now that Im getting closer to the end, I am sooooo excited to see this little man!
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