3rd Trimester

Having a vampire...

So the past couple of weeks this pregnancy is really kicking my butt!  If we ignore the cramping that I have had since week 5, and the BH that have started, and the combo that makes me not be able to get up, and the fact that she has bruised I believe all my internal parts....

Last week after almost passing out along with dizzy spells my dr. did bloodwork to discover I was anemic.  Then this week started really bad light sensitivity that had me at the eye doctor today.  And garlic even in the tinest amount makes me beyond sick.

So I was talking to a friend about it and she was like - so the baby is taking your blood, you can't go out in the sun, and you can't eat garlic - you are giving birth to a vampire!!!

I had to laugh because it is just so true!  Now I wonder if there are any other vampire traits I should be looking out for Stick out tongue

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