
7 month old taking a lot less BM?

My 7 month old DS is taking a lot less BMW (I EP). He went from 7-8 bottles a day (4.5 oz) before we started solids to only 4-5 bottles (4.5 oz). I checked Kelly mom and it says a 7 month old should average 30 oz of milk a day and he is nowhere near that. He is eating probably 5 baby food containers throughout the day (3.5 oz gerber) and some finger foods like tortillas, avocado,etc.

Pam I doing something wrong? Do I need to cut back on the baby food and squeeze in more bottles? He is gaining weight and happy, no change in diapers (besides smell..). I just don't want him to be missing out on BM. He really likes solids since we started at 6 months! 

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