1st Trimester

Funny pregnancy dreams

I know these posts have been brought up before, but I thought I would share a funny dream I had last night, and see if anyone else has any.  

Background: I have my first ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday so it has obviously been on my mind a lot lately and my partner is convinced we are having twins which also has been on my mind, even though I am pretty sure we are just having one.

 Last night I had a dream I was having the ultrasound done.  I looked up at the screen and could see two obvious sacks with two babies in them.  Each baby had a chain of smaller babies all holding hands in each sack.  So there were about 10 babies in each sack.  I was really upset about it, obviously.  The other weird thing is other people were having their ultrasounds done in the same room at the same time, and everyone (including me) had brought their dogs with them to the appointment.

 Haha... looking forward to hearing some more funny dreams. 

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Me:35, Using frozen donor sperm. 2009-2010 - several non-medicated "at home" frozen donor sperm cycles = BFN
IUIs 1-3 in 2010 = BFN
4/2012: IUI #4 w/ new RE = BFP Missed m/c due to turner syndrome at 9 weeks, discovered at 12 weeks 3 days on 6/21/12. :(
Summer 2012 IUI 5 & 6 = BFN.
Was planning on moving onto IVF but insurance is requiring 3 injectable IUI rounds.
11/12/2012 - IUI #7 75 gonal-f cd3-12 + trigger. = BFP on Thanksgiving!
Beta 1 at 14dpo = 261 Beta 2 at 16dpo = 639 Good NT scan and Negative MaterniT21 test. It's a boy!
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