3rd Trimester

2+ time moms

I was asking the dr if they every induce due to size prior to the due date.  I'm just feeling huge and since they induced me at 40 weeks because they thought DD was getting to big and I'm on the smaller size, I'm starting to get a little nervous about getting this baby out.  The Dr. said as long as I'm 2 cm dilated and thinned out he'd have no problem inducing me at my 39 week appointment.  He said he's not worried about size, but when you have other little ones at home you may not want to be going into labor at 2 am.

I've never gone into labor so I'm not sure how fast or inconvenient it will be.  I'm home alone w/ DD from 6:30-3:30, so I am kind of nervous about going into labor while I'm home alone with her.  Do you think this is a legitimate reason to induced?  

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Teterboro 5K 7/16/11 23:22 Tenafly 5K 6/5/11 26:48 1st in age group and stroller division Teterboro 5K 7/17/10 24:42 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/25/10 28:18 4 1/2 weeks pp Teterboro Airport 5K 7/18/09 22:35 3rd place age group 4 1/2 weeks pregnant Long Branch 1/2 5/3/09 1:51:07 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/26/09 22:22 NJEA 5K 11/7/08 22:30 2nd place age group Westchester 1/2 10/12/08 1:50:16 Teterboro Airport 5K 7/19/08 23:43 Long Branch 1/2 5/4/08 1:54:18 Giant Stadium 5K 4/26/08 error in timing Hackensack 5K 10/14/07 23:55 1st place in age group
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