1st Trimester

Waiting until 12 weeks to tell...

For those of you waiting until 12 weeks to tell... Are you waiting until 12 weeks before telling a single soul, or just waiting that long before going "public" ?

I know, to each their own, but I kind of want to tell at least my parents soon. I'm getting antsy and I have had to lie about why I've needed them to watch DD several times (dr app, blood work, u/s, more blood work). The thing is, I know if we tell my parents then DH will want to tell his parents and it wouldn't really be fair of me to say no. And I don't really trust the in laws to keep it a secret.

I'm so torn with this pregnancy. Part of me wants to wait until I can't hide it anymore and the other part of me just wants to tell everyone now.  

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