3rd Trimester

Don't get to excited about passing the 3hr glucose test.

I passed my 3 hour glucose test, just one of my levels was ever so slightly elevated.  I started testing 4 times a day and eating according to a lower carb diet plan - all the while being told not to worry, it's just a precaution, I haven't been diagnosed with GD.  Great!!  I'm ok with all that.

After 5 days of testing and eating "better" I follow up with the doctor to find that my fasting levels are out of whack, my ketones are too high in the mornings and now I'm on insulin once a day....

 Just wanted to share this more as an FYI for those of you that passed your 3 hour, you may not be out of the woods yet, even though everyone is telling you "don't worry, just a precaution"!


ETA:  I only have 8 weeks to go and at my ultrasound on Tuesday we were told the baby is about 4lbs which is in the 51st percentile for size, so it's not as if we are measuring big already.

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