3rd Trimester

Bathing with umbilical cord stump

DH and I took an infant care class at the hospital where we will deliver, and as part of the class they brought in a newborn (only about 5 hours old) to bathe to show us what to do. The instructor (who is an RN at the hospital) gave her a full bath with her immersed in the water (she had her loosely swaddled, which I actually really liked, but that's not my point :) haha). I said that I always thought you had to do sponge baths until the cord stump fell off, and she said that is no longer the line of thinking - that it has been found not to make a difference if it gets wet and that you can do full baths from day one. I was thrilled to hear this, but all the books I've been reading (including the one from the AAP) continue to say sponge baths until the cord falls off. What have you been told?
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