3rd Trimester

Annoyed by random men commenting on my pregnancy..

So in the last couple of days, I've had 3 men comment on my pregnancy.. the comments range from "When are you due? Wow, you look really good!" to "You know, I'm a paramedic and have delivered 25 or so babies. I could deliver your baby for you and save you alot of money."

To the last comment, which started as "How pregnant are you?" (while in a gun shop looking for a present for DH) I said I'm not pregnant, I just drank too much last night and am a little bloated... lol it then progressed to the owner suggesting I tell DH I was looking for new thongs at the mall when he called, so I didn't blow the suprise...

Anyone else have weird comments like this from men? I've come to expect them from women, but hearing men say things just about knocks me off my rocker.


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