1st Trimester


So we have an unwritten agreement with our landlord that we can stay here for a couple hundred less than other tenants if we help him fix up the place. (our apartment building is actually an old converted mansion and the landlord has been fixing it up for the last few years).  Pre-pregnancy, we'd offered to paint with the understanding that my fiance is basically useless as far as detail work goes, but can cover a lot of ground with a roller.  I just needed to do all of the edging and whatnot. 

Well, enter pregnancy.

He bought me a mask to wear while I'm edging and I can't smell any fumes while wearing it, but I still wonder if it's safe.

To top that off, we're moving into a bigger unit in the building (right next door to ours, in fact) because of the baby and will need to paint that while apartment too.  Would baby be safer if I got a low-fume paint? Should we just not paint anything more until after the new year? (baby due end of Dec)

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