3rd Trimester

No u/s for me - bummed

So I found out yesterday that my insurance only covers one u/s, which my doctor does further along in the pregnancy.  I had scheduled a size/date one for 11 weeks.  Since it's considered elective it will be $400, so I canceled it.  I'm bummed and jealous of all the women who get to see their babies so early.  Now I'm planning on getting a gender determination one at a 3D place, but I still have to wait until 15-16 weeks for that.  I know this may sound silly, but I just want to know everything is going ok in there without having to wait until 20-25 weeks.  We will already be paying ~$1500 for labor and delivery, as well as buying all the stuff that goes along with having a baby, so $400 is just not in the budget.  Stupid insurance company.
Does anyone else have a situation like this? 
ACK!  Wrong board.  Sorry ladies!!!  This is for the 1st and it's not letting me delete.
CafeMom Tickers>
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