3rd Trimester

Preeclampsia question...

So I've been going through a lot of things the past couple weeks regarding my pregnancy. Basically my midwife and ob say that I have borderline preeclampsia and that I've been "dancing around" the diagnosis. The main factor being that I haven't had any protein in my urine. 

Last night I started getting this burning pain under my sternum and it radiates out a littel under my breasts.  One of the symptoms I'm suppose to watch out for is upper belly pain. 

Did anyone have this with their preeclampsia? It's not tender when I push on it, it's all internal, and if I take a deep breath it hurts.  I have a call into the doctor and I'm waiting for her to call me back, but I'm just trying to ease my mind a little bit, in hopes that maybe this new pain is just something normal and not another preeclampsia sign. 

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