1st Trimester

WWYD: Short term disability/new job

I start a new job on the 16th. My benefits start day one, and I have the option of short term disability coverage that will cover maternity leave. There is a pre-existing clause that says any condition I have received medical treatment for in the three months prior to coverage isn't eligible for short-term disability for the first 6 months.

My first OB appointment is currently scheduled for the 15th. If I keep my appointment, then November 16th is the earliest my short term disability will kick in (I'll be 32 weeks). With my first pregnancy, I developed pre-e, but it all happened late in my pregnancy. Partial bed rest at 35 or 36 weeks, and then induced at 38 weeks. I'm at high risk for pre-e again, but I think it's only the end of my pregnancy I need to be worried about. I had zero blood pressure problems until 32 weeks, and then it started to creep up.

The easy solution would be to reschedule my first OB appointment till after I start working, but it's a 2+ hour appointment. I have no sick time saved up, plus I don't want to have to ask for half a day off so early on. Would you keep the appointment for the 15th?

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