
Back to Work Pumping Question

Hello! I EBF my son, and I'm a teacher who has to go back to school on the 21st for 5 days to finish out the school year. He usually nurses about every 2 hours during the day, although he's been stretching that out to about 2 1/2 hours lately - with some feelings (if he takes a longer nap) 3 or very rarely 4 hours apart. He only wakes up one time in the middle of the night to eat and is then back to sleep until 6 or 7. After the 6 or 7am feeding I pump to build up a freezer supply so I will keep doing that the week I'm back at work too. I don't want to ruin my supply, but I can't pump every two hours at school. Right now I see myself being able to pump after the morning feeding, possibly around 8am if he happens to wake up super early, but most likely around 6:30am, then again at lunch at 11:10, during planning at 1:00, and then I will pick him up around 4:15 and feed him. I keep track of when I feed him and lately during the time period that I'll be gone he's been eating 4 times. Do you think that I'll be able to pump enough, or should I try to get another pumping session in there? Also, I have no idea how much he eats every time. I have been trying to look up the average, and he eats about 8 times per day, so I'm guessing maybe 4oz bottles? Does that make sense? Sorry for all the questions...I just don't want this one week of going back to work to ruin my supply if I screw something up.
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