
low milk supply

Hi all!  Does anyone know any herbs that will help with low milk supply? I have a 5 mo. old daughter. I am a working mom so I have to pump during the day. I am not pumping as much milk as she eats, and it's so frustrating! I know stress does not help milk supply so being stressed about this doesn't help!  I have tried what feels like everything.  I pump after she's done eating, I pump for longer periods of time, I put her at the breast more often, I've taken blessed thistle, and I've even tried Lactiful.  Nothing has helped.  She is currently eating 5 oz in the bottle at the sitters, and I am only pumping 3-4 oz at a time.  I was thinking of trying Fenugreek next.  I am just worried that I'll smell like Maple Syrup!  Are there any other herbs out there? Thanks!
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