3rd Trimester

Late night worries

I had a c-section with DS, and was left with a scar across my uterus which "could affect the growth of the fetus" with this pregnancy (I was told this at my detailed anatomy scan at 19 weeks). I was also told that it could also increase my chances of having a stillborn child. I'm 30 weeks and a few days now, and my OB told me that we're going to monitor the growth every week from here on out. I went in for the glucose tolerance test, and found out I'm anemic and need to increase my blood supply. The prescribed iron pills made me throw up all day and night and I lost a few pounds. I was told I have to eat liver 1-2 times a week. My total weight gain is 10 pounds, and I'm not nearly as big as I was with DS! People keep asking if there's really a baby in there! I'm worried that something is wrong. I eat right, I get as much sleep as I can, take my vitamins, etc. I'm doing all that I can, but feel like I'm failing. Anybody have advice or a "good" liver recipe?
~ Mrs. G
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