1st Trimester

Low Carb Diet Alter Ovulation?

Okay, I know this is probably not the correct forum, but I'm feeling around for an answer. I have had a clockwork like period for 15 years, and this past month was the first time I haven't been able to know that I have O'd by monitoring CM. This month is also the same month I have conceived. I was supposed to start last Wednesday, and hadn't started Thursday. I had a BFP on Thursday (I had a BFN three days before this). I went to the doctor's office on Monday for labs and the urine test was inconclusive for pregnancy but the blood test came back positive. My HCG was 105 and my Progesterone 10. The nurse said I could only be a few days pregnant, but according to my LMP I should be 5 weeks today. That doesn't coordinate with my levels apparently. I should have prefaced by saying that I have two health boys that I have been blessed with. I did unfortunately experience a MC last November and after bloodwork was diagnosed with PAI1-a clotting disorder, for which I take a baby aspirin a day. Even after a DNC my cycle returned to it's normal 28-day cycle. The only thing that I can think of that has changed over the past few months-last month I participated in the induction phase of Atkins for 3 weeks, losing 7 pounds, but allowing myself only 20g of carbs a day. Is it possible that this diet delayed my ovulation? I didn't notice ovulation on the 18th (my normal ovulation date) but unfortunately didn't pay attention after that. I know that if my ovulation was delayed then my numbers aren't something to be overly concerned about, but if I am indeed 5 weeks pregnant then pending tomorrows labs...maybe the numbers should raise more concern. Any thoughts?? 
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